Anasuria Floating Production Storage & Offloading Vessel
Anasuria was the first purpose-built floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel to be constructed for Shell UK Exploration and Production in the UK North Sea. The vessel was designed and constructed by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries in Nagasaki, for the combined development of the Teal, Teal South and Guillemot A fields.
Shell takes ownership and production begins in the North Sea.
Ping & Hibiscus complete a joint venture deal to purchase the FPSO.
Anasuria Operating Company becomes the duty holder for the vessel.

Design & Operation
The Anasuria Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel was installed to develop the Teal, Teal South, Guillemot A and Cook fields.
The Anasuria FPSO consists of a barge, a bow integrated Bottom Mounted Internal Turret (BMIT) system, and topsides facilities installed on an elevated deck on the barge. The installation is moored to the seabed by an integrated turret mooring system which supports the transfer facilities for both well fluids, and produced fluid streams, to and from the Anasuria.
The hull has a length of 234.2m, a breadth of 44.8m and a draught of 23.8m. The structure consists of seven cargo tanks, which can store 850,000 barrels, and two slops tanks surrounded by ballast tanks. The tanks are formed by longitudinal and transverse bulkheads, including a longitudinal centreline wash bulkhead.
The hull has a single bottom for protection of the cargo tanks – particularly against collision damage from moored shuttle tankers. Strong points were welded onto the structural interface between topsides and the vessel deck, allowing topside pillar supports to be included.
The process topsides facility is a conventional three-stage process for conditioning of well fluids. The associated gas is dehydrated and compressed prior to export, via the Fulmar Gas Export Line. Produced water is treated to an oil-in-water specification of 20ppm by means of hydrocyclones.
The stabilised crude is routed to the wet crude reception tank for final dehydration prior to storage and subsequent export via a shuttle tanker. Water injection facilities are provided to inject treated seawater for reservoir pressure maintenance.